About Us
Our What
Our Why
Our How
“For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.” -1 Corinthians 16:9
There are nearly 1.5 billion people active on social media that live among the most unreached areas on earth. Through Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Messenger Ads, we share Gospel content directly with these people in their own language. Then we follow up with those who are spiritually seeking and truly hungry to learn more.
The Challenges
Our Mission Statement
Ekballo University is a Christian ministry that leverages technology to help finish the Great Commission. We teach, train, and equip believers across the world to use modern communication platforms to reach the unreached, engage the unengaged, and pray for the unprayed.
Organizational Structure
Ekballo University operates under the legal umbrella of Heart for God. Heart for God is a 501c3 evangelism ministry founded in 2010. Trip Nine has been a part of Heart for God’s leadership and board since its inception.
Ekballo U is governed as an independent ministry of Heart for God. Our finances and initiatives are separate from Heart for God proper and given full autonomy.
Board Members
The Heart for God board consists of 3 members:
- Randy Loubier, Exec Director of the Board
- Trip Nine, Treasurer of the Board
- Katie Keane, Secretary of the Board
Ekballo U
75-5851 Kuakini Hwy # 301
Kailua Kona, HI 96740
United States
Our headquarters are based in Kona Hawaii at the University of the Nations. This is YWAM’s largest missions base globally with 400-750 students per semester.
Friends of Ekballo U