We are excited to update you on the results of the Digital Evangelism campaigns that took place in Myanmar from May 1st through July 31st.

– Ekballo Field Leader
In the midst of the upheaval, unpredictability, and heartbreak of the ongoing war in Myanmar, we rejoice to share that the message of the gospel is not hindered. Truly — “The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (John 1:5 ESV)
In the nation of Myanmar, we have been blessed to work with a skilled and faithful field leader who has been facilitating digital evangelism with us since the spring of 2020. The evangelists who work diligently under his leadership are located all around the country, an important element for being able to follow up meaningfully with those who receive Christ. However, as the ministry has grown and matured, he began to realize that it would also be advantageous to gather a team of those who live in close proximity, creating a specialized group that could more effectively train and minister together.
Their base is a haven for refugees fleeing war torn areas. The team has joyfully shared that, even as they continue to manage the influx of digital responders asking for prayer and the gospel message, they are also embracing the opportunities to serve those in need at the local Skills Training Center .
This in-person aspect of their ministry has become an especially powerful opportunity for the gospel, as several of the refugees have arrived from the Palaung people, a group currently considered an Unreached People Group. Now, for the first time, one of our team members is working to translate the Bible into their oral language! Thank you, Lord, for opening doors and sending forth your Word into all the earth!

The evangelists from the team have come from a variety of different backgrounds. Many are young, both in age and often in their spiritual journey as well. However, their youthfulness has in no way hindered their effectiveness for the gospel. Many of them, fueled by their fresh faith in Jesus, are eager to share the hope they have found, and Digital Evangelism has provided them with a beautiful opportunity to practice grace and boldness in the sharing of their faith. Their backgrounds in Buddhism, poverty, or emotional brokenness have become a tool in the Lord’s hand to communicate his love and the message of the gospel.
One of our young evangelist is a testament to the transforming work of the Holy Spirit in Burmese believers. Three years ago, she was forced to flee her home and her husband to find a safe place for her and her child to live. In that season of desperation, one Christian family stretched out their hands to help. That kindness and sacrificial love brought her to faith, making her a true first-generation Christian in her family of deep Buddhist roots.
Despite her limited 4th grade level of education, she set her mind to study and become a teacher in the team’s school. She is now an integral part of our Digital Evangelism team, having great effectiveness and grace in the way she prays for seekers, using a simple smart phone as a powerful tool to share the hope and transforming work of Christ with many.

This movement of God has also been particularly powerful among former monks in Myanmar. It is common for individuals suffering from poverty to be forced to join monasteries to find shelter. One such young man had struggled through a lengthy period of failed agricultural work, so he decided to leave his home to find shelter among these devout Buddhists. Instead, he found himself befriended by a former monk, who is now a believer in Jesus. Through this connection, he was able to stay at the local hostel where our Ekballo evangelists work.
In these close living quarters, young man found himself watching the evangelists each night, as they faithfully recorded prayers for digital responders on Facebook. He listened quietly as they repeatedly shared the message of the gospel with people just like him.
During the daytime hours, he also watched these same evangelists choose to live out the love of Christ by frequently ministering to the local refugees at the Skills Training Center.
One day, overcome by their quiet testimony, this young man declared with confidence that what the team was sharing was indeed “the truth” and “brought eternal hope”. Praise God, he is now a believer in Jesus — being discipled by the very group of young people whose living testimony moved his heart to surrender to his Heavenly Father!!
Wars not only take lives but also wipe out opportunities for those who survive. This is the heartbreaking reality of life in Myanmar in the wake of the 2021 coup. Yet, it has often been the heartbreak of this world’s failure to offer true hope that has invited each one of us to consider the cross and the hope that is available in Christ. It is no different in Myanmar.
One such example is a young Buddhist monk who had found himself jobless and in a seemingly hopeless economic situation. He reached out through Facebook to one of our Digital Evangelists who serves from South-Western part of Myanmar. Their online conversation transferred to an in-person meeting for prayer, after which, he asked to be connected with a local group of believers. Our Field Leader has not yet been updated on whether this young man has made a decision for Christ, so we invite you to pray for him and the many others who are receiving ongoing ministry and discipleship.
The sowing continues, so we do pray earnestly that the Lord of the harvest would give grace and favor to each Ekballo team member and Burmese believer to persevere in bringing in the abundant harvest in the nation of Myanmar.

Please pray for the continued growth and discipleship of these new believers.