Our Work

The work of Ekballo University is to train and equip missionaries to effectively use technology to reach the unreached, engaged the unengaged, and pray for the unprayed.
Digital Dragnets
Have you ever considered the parable of the dragnet (Matt 13:47-48) in the context of social media?
The oceans of social media demand a digital dragnet that it can pull in multitudes of seekers online, then hold onto them until they have an opportunity for discipleship.

Each month we cast our digital dragnets into the oceans of social media and gather in some of every kind. Afterward, our follow-up teams sit down and sort through names over numbers, for discipleship over decisions. Those that appear sincere and spiritually hungry, we hold onto for follow-up discipleship.
Virtual Prayer Tours
A resource for the entire body of Christ to grow in their active involvement and partnership in missions through real-time VR prayer walks and guided intercession for the furtherance of the Gospel in the whole earth.